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Sunday, 14 March 2010

I'm getting married!!

Guess who knocked and proposed?
That's right - Mr. SA.
He's the son of King Stress and Queen Anxiety.
So, he's pretty much a prince.
Prince Stre-xiety to you!
Not that I don't want him and all..
but..I think I would do good enough even without him around.

So, I'm putting him up for auction for FREE!
No questions asked - you can get him for FREE!
You read it right people - FREE!

The reason I got him?

Well, I need to write at least another 75 articles to enter this good contest and, I have my As level to think about! As level - errmm..maybe in another 7/8 weeks time? *sobs2* T.T So, I want a divorce! Divorce I tell ya, DIVORCE!! Which is the reason why I wrote this entry. I'm sorry Mr. Stre-xiety, but I think all I need now is Mr. Calm & Cool..T.T I guess we're just not meant to be...

PS: The title should've been "I'm married".

Monday, 8 March 2010

Bila neraka dipandang ringan

*First off - sorry to all that likes to read my entries in English.But, this is a special post. So, hope you don't mind.
*Warning: Entri ini menggunakan bahasa rojak

Aku ni, bukanlah seorang ustazah mahupun seorang cikgu. Tapi, aku ni seorang kawan, seorang saudari Islam, and seorang pelajar. Memandangkan aku ni manusia, so, automatic - aku seorang khalifah di muka bumi, setuju?

Tengok budak2 melayu sekarang. Melayu yang beragama ISLAM. Mcm mne pakaian dorg? Seksi kan? Entah2 kalau boleh, dorg nak je terbogel dkt tgh2 jalan. Ada ke patut? Mana pergi perasaan malu? Bukan malu dengan manusia, tapi - mane pergi perasaan malu kepada Tuhan yang Maha Pencipta? Yang telah memberi rezeki, yang telah memberi nyawa kepada kite? Mana perginya janji kite? Zaman sekarang, senang je, bila org tegur ckp "At least aku bkn hipokrit, mcm bdak2 yg pkai tudung tapi berzina jgak". Tak hipokrit ke, bile kite dah bwat janji dgn Allah utk mentaatiNya sebelum kite dilahirkan. Tapi, bile dh meningkat dewasa, dosa je yg dikejarnye. Tak hipokrit ke tu? Nak cakap bodoh, ada je otak kat dalam kepale. Nak cakap berani, dasar cakap je la - tapi bile ade kat depan neraka nanti, cbe rse - berani lagi ke?

Kawan2ku, saudara2 Islam ku, jom muhasabah diri. Memang kite berani ke nak dicampakkan masuk neraka hanya kerana nak memuaskan nafsu yang memang tiada henti? Lagi kite suapnya, lagi die mintak banyak. Berani ke? Aku bukan cakap aku baik, tapi aku memang cuba nak jadi yg terbaik.

Pada perempuan, memang best kan bile banyak laki pandang? Memang best kan bile dapat rasa 'dihargai'? Memang best kan bile sme yg kte jmpe cakap kte lawa, cantik, hot and sme jenis pujian yg dorg kac. Bestkan? I must admit, memang best. Tapi, jom tanya diri dulu. Sape yg sebenanye bg kte wajah yg kte ade skarang? Siapa yang sebenanye berhak atas pujian2 tu? Allah? Pandai pun. Dah kite taw Allah, die yg bg kite rupa paras yang lawa lagi manis, kenape kte sanggup melanggar perintahNya? Sedangkan Dia yang Maha Mengetahui atas segala sesuatu, kenapa kite dedahkan jugak aurat kite kpd kaum ajnabi selepas kte taw hukum hakam yg Allah dah tetapkan? Dia suruh kite menutup aurat demi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan diri kite sendiri. Kenape kite nak jugak menggadaikan maruah kite? Demi nak memuaskan nafsu lelaki yang memang hanya mencari mangsa?

Jom kite tgk status perempuan dkt barat. Dorg kata perempuan2 barat ni free and perempuan2 Islam ni oppressed. Hello! Perempuan dekat sini (barat) hanya dijadikan sex slaves, and you call that freedom? Tolonglah, tak payah nak pandang tinggi sangat org2 barat nih.yang dorg reti - perbesarkan benda kecik je. Tak caye, cuba pergi Spain, Arab, Istanbul. Semua negara2 Islam. Waktu tamadun Islam dulu MasyaAllah. mmg gemilang. Lagi power drpd dunia barat sekarang ni. Nak satu contoh?

Al-Hambra, Spain

Sebelum ni sebuah masjid tapi skarang dijadikan musium. Yang paling bgus psl tmpat ni - ade statue singa yang setiap kali azan, akan keluar air dr mulutnye, utk umat Islam mengabil wudhuk. Cuba bayangkan - SETIAP KALI AZAN. MasyaAllah. Teknologi beribu2 tahun dulu, negara barat mana yg boleh menandingi? And because dalam bab ni musuh2 Islam mmg tak boleh lawan, dengar cerite dorg dh buang dh statue tu. T.T. But still, ukiran2 marble (marble, bukan kayu!) La Ila HaillalAllah dan ayat2 Al-Quran tak dibuang, Alhamdulillah. Kalo dorg buang jgak, mmg aku sendiri pergi spain and cari 'pembuang' nye.

Ok, so, entri ni mostly utk perempuan and for myself as well - as a reminder. Sebagai pelepas tanggungjawab ku :) Kalau nak ikut nasihat, Alhamdullillah. Jom same2 kite doakan Jannatul Firdaus ke atas diri, keluarga, dan kaum muslimin dan jom kite perjuangkan agama Allah di dalam keredhaanNya. Kalau korg rse entri ni menyemak je and memang tak patut ditulis, aku doakan korg dapat hidayah. (Jgn korg yg pegi melepaskan sudah). Ingat, papepun, akhirnye di antare syurga dan neraka.


Thursday, 4 March 2010

Adzwar - Budak terpaling mahal di dalam DUNIA!

candid :)

He's an ordinary kid who's nothing like any other average kid. He may not be the son of a king. But, he sure is as CUTE as a prince. :) Seriously - he plays hard to get almost every single time. But hey, I broke the record! :D

It's like this. Usually, whenever someone tries to take a picture of him, he will RUN away. Trust me, he even ran from his sister when she tried taking a photo of him. Even me, before this, I had to run after him around the house just to get his picture.

When I had to chase after him around the garden

But, don't know why, he lets me take his picture now. ONLY me! :D haha xD I'm so happy! :D Don't know whether it's him feeling sorry for me or he's just getting used to having me taking candid photos of him, until at last - all I'll have to say is "Adzwar - smile" and he'll go "smile", while smiling from ear to ear :D

My favourite visits!

:D Assalamualaikum :D

I just came up with a new widget on my sidebar. Of course, it's not me who created it. It's a simple bloglist of my favourite blogs :D Easy for me to know when they're updated and all that.

Now, I know some people find blogs with too many widgets annoying. So, I decided to get rid of my Google Ads, or maybe just put it near the top, bottom or something. I'll let the rest be on myfree softwares blog. And I seriously do hope I'm not making a big mistake, and I'm pretty sure I'm NOT. Maybe a huge mistake, but surely not big. ngee~

So, as some may wonder. Why did I risk my ads? Well, for one, I like sharing the blogs I find useful. Second, I'm gonna be adding new posts which involves alcohols etc. (you'll see when it comes on), and because of this, I do NOT like to risk my ads being inappropriate. Before this, I had online dating ads - which is seriously something I do NOT like. So, I thought it'd be better if I just got rid of them. LOL xD

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

I love being short, tqvm :P

A lot of boys brag about their height. Well, not a lot actually. Usually, they just stay cool and all that (probs bcoz most of 'em are 2 years older than me). But, as always, there will always be someone making fun of my height because they're taller than me and feels the 'need' to tease me.

Once, this boy was saying "Haha. I'm younger than you, but still, I'm taller than you!" FYI little boy, I don't care! I love being short ^-^ and, it's normal for a boy to be taller than a girl. You're only like 2 years younger than me :P Mr.S who's 2 years younger than you is WAY taller - so don't think you're all that! :P

Now, Mr.S has asked me "Why would you ever LIKE being short?!" And here are my answers :)

Reasons why I loooove being short:

* Easier for little kids to look at me.
* Shortie = Cutie. I know you'll agree ;)
* Being tall would be nice, but would be awkward when I'm around friends
* Who wants a husband being shorter than them?

Who knows what else? I'm just happy being the 150+ cm me :) So, whatever you do, do not diss me over my height. Seriously, it'll just make you look like a total jerk - so, might as well not try.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Nasi Goreng

Woke up at half past six in the morning - half an hour earlier than intended. Could have used my time nicely by taking a shower or something. But, since I couldn't be bothered to wake up, I thought I'd just lie in bed until my alarm went off. So, twenty minutes wasted just by staring into space while lying in bed.

When I was finally 'awake' to get myself downstairs - to get some breakfast, I realised there was NO breakfast. So, as hard as it was, I had to prepare my OWN by MYSELF. Sadly though, I didn't have time for it since it was only ready to be eaten by the time I went out of the door to get myself to school.

What did I do then? To feed my empty stomach, I had to walk back home after my first lesson - only to find what I had intended to eat in the first place was finished! As much as I do NOT like cooking, I had to prepare something and came up with this magnificient, breathtaking Nasi Goreng! Fried rice in English. :)

click on the picture for better view ;)

As always, once I cook something, the whole WORLD is in shock! Not because I can't cook, but mainly because I prefer to cook what I want, when I want. Reminder : It has nothing to do with the taste! Oh wait, it does actually. Some people are just AMAZED at how good of a cook this girl can be. ;) The food was AWESOME! (self-praising once in awhile) ;) And truthfully, I'm quite happy with myself. I'm learning step by step on how to be a 'good girl' :)

Usually, if there is no food on the table and my mum isn't around, I'll ask my big brother to do the cooking. But, during half term last week, when my parents went Spain, I actually cooked! And guess what? I even have a picture to prove it ;)
o0oopss..can't seem to find it xP Pretty sure you can trust me without any proof ;) I'll try and get it sorted :0


You've only got ONLY 9 WEEKS LEFT!!

Well, since I get that reminder (again!) I think I'll stop here now.


Salam ^-^

Monday, 1 March 2010

What you need to 'Never Give Up!'

You watch an anime and the hero's motto will always be "never give up", and then we, if not the kids, will always get motivated as to make that motto part of our lives. But, as always, it's easier said than done. Ever wondered what it takes to stick with this motto?


You can never go anywhere without the intention to succeed. For example, you're hungry and your mum/ wife hasn't cooked anything for you yet. What would you do? Cook something for yourself or just sit there in front of the computer, hoping time will feed your hunger? If you just cannot be bothered to do something, nothing will happen! So, to never give up, make sure you are determined with your goal and do NOT lose sight of it!


Similar to determination, motivation is essential in making you work no matter what! Without it, your goal will be impossible to meet. The difference between determination and motivation; determination is where you push yourself to success, whilst motivation is where you are pushed by someone or something else towards success. Completely different in meaning, but both are equally necessary for people with the motto 'never give up!'. Without them, you are doomed!


Now, you must be thinking I'm joking. Believe me - I am NOT! You will not last a single day without patience. Why you wonder? Why not if I may ask you? If you expect things to go your way, when and how you want it, you are completely fooling yourself! As I've just learned from my past histories, the world does not revolve around us. It's we who revolve around the world. So, we need to make our stay as sweet and pleasant as we can, no matter how impossible that may seem.

Failures are inevitable, but that doesn't mean we will have to be stuck with it for the rest of our lives. Sometimes, they're there to teach us and because of this, we need to be patient. When something unexpected happens, take your time, understand why certain things happen and think of a way how to avoid the problem in the future and how you could go about in order to solve it. If you don't have the patience, you're bound to give up every time something bad comes along.

Belief in success

One of the most important ingredient, but hardly ever found. When you want to succeed, you need to believe you're capable of success. If you only think of yourself as a loser, what is there that's going to push you all the way to success? Forget determination, forget all the points I've mentioned before. If you don't have the belief in yourself, the belief that you can succeed, trust me - you will always give up in the end.


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