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Sunday, 28 February 2010

9 weeks left!! T.T

9 weeks left of what you wonder? AS Level of course!! Just at the start of last week, my maths teacher reminded me and my class that we ONLY have 10 weeks left before the exam. As always - I never actually realised it until he mentioned it. TYPICAL. This is what happens when you're used to having to take exams near the end of a year. In other words, SEPTEMBER??! *sigh* I guess I can't complain that much. I mean, I was the one who couldn't wait to come to England two and a half years ago, pretty much like my ESCAPE as I saw it. My escape from all the teachers I had problems with, the neighbours who share the hatred and jealousy towards me (LOL) and all those 'friends' that just can't help but stab me in the back. :(

Anyways, back to my AS level. hurrmm..let's see..what exams am I going to take?

Business Studies
Core 2 maths
Statistics 1
Further Pure 1
Mechanics 1

Wooh, thank God I've done Core 1 and Decision Maths 1 in January, cause I seriously think I'll struggle hard enough with these ones. hurmm..what can I do? Obviously I won't be able to fool around anymore..huhu T.T

Sampai gamba baju pun nk tangkap..ape kess?? T.T

Note to self:

DO NOT skive
Facebook, MySpace, YM, MSN ........(at least, just don't go on it as often ;) )
and most importantly....


And so, to not waste any more time, I'll just stop this entry here.

Thank you ^-^


Thursday, 25 February 2010

Mengapa Melayu dengki?


Entah kenapa hati kebanyakan orang kite penuh dengan penyakit ni. Setiap kali nampak budak melayu baik sikit dari kita, kita nak sahaja menurunkan dia. Kalau bangsa lain, takdak pulak sikap ni. Kita ni, takut sesama kaum sendiri ke? Kalau begitu, memang sah takkan maju la orang melayu. Kenapa? Sebab, setiap kali ada persaingan, kita akan main taktik kotor dengan melemahkan semangat saingan kita untuk melakukan yang terbaik. Akhirnya, tiada saingan bagi kita dan tiada motivasi untuk memperbaiki kekurangan kita dan maju ke hadapan. (Patutlah Malaysia tak semaju negara Jepun dan Cina). Kalau kita contohi bangsa lain, kita boleh nampak semangat persaudaraan mereka dan betapa mereka sedia untuk saling bantu-membantu. Pada diorang, "Turun sama2, Naik pun sama2". Perbezaan yang amat ketara dengan kita yang "aku naik, engkau turun".

Nak satu contoh? Ada seorang budak perempuan ni. Setiap kali dia cakap bahasa Inggeris, loghat bagaikan dia anak British. Maklumlah, pengaruh pembelajarannya di England semasa umurnya 8 tahun tidak dapat dihilangkan. Dan, disebabkan 'slang' dia, dia menjadi bahan umpatan 'kawan2'nya yang lain. Yang tidak terkejutnya, kawan2 dari bangsa2 lain semua merujuk kepada dia pabila mereka perlukan bantuan di dalam kerja rumah mereka.

Nampak perbezaan? Bila kita orang melayu nampak kelebihan kawan, kita lebih rela menjatuhkan dia daripada mengambil manfaat dari kelebihan kawan tersebut. Akhirnya, siapa yang rugi? Melayu jugak! Bila kawan ada ilmu, taknak belajar dari kawan. Lebih rela membazirkan duit dekat institut2 pelajaran yang menguntungkan yang lain daripada melayu. Kawan offer pelajaran percuma, tak mau. Tak ke sedih?

Sedangkan Islam dah mengajar umatnya untuk saling bantu-membantu dan eratkan silratulrahim. Kenapa kita masih degil dengan kedengkian dan 'kebodohan' kita? Setiap kali ada kawan nak mencuba rezeki, ada sahaja kata2 lemah semangat yang tak henti2 keluar dari mulut kita, sampai akhirnya, orang tu pun hilang motivasi untuk berjaya. Kalau kaum lain yang buat, kita tak kisah pulak. Bahkan, lagi menggalakkan ada lah. Betullah melayu, bila boleh kita maju kalau masing2 tak puas hati dengan kejayaan kawan?

*Entri ini hanya sekadar saya menyuarakan pendapat. Jikalau tidak selesa dengan entri ini, sila maklumkan.

Tme kaceh ^-^

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Palestin - kekesalanku

Engkau merana, kami gembira,
Engkau berjuang demi Allah,
Kami berdansa demi nafsu,
Syurga atau neraka?
Sudah hilang dari pandangan mata

Aku tidak tahu bagaimana untuk membantumu,
Boikot sana, dan boikot sini,
Israel masih tidak mahu berhenti,
Engkau dilayan seakan sampah,
Siapa yang sanggup menyaksikannya?

Demi Allah air mata menitis keranamu,
Keseksaan kau hadapi,
Kehinaan mereka beri,
Sungguh aku tidak boleh menahan,
Air mata dari berjuraian

Tetapi, yang paling ku kesali,
Sikap umat kita yang masih tidak sedar diri,
Pelbagai alasan diberi,
Demi memuaskan nafsu yang tiada henti

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Adekku x phm bahasa melayu..T.T

Adek den x faham bahasa melayu..huhu..sedihnye..but den, bagus gak, leh menyakat lebih ckit ;)
Btw, in adalah sambungan kepada entry ini. Klik gamba ye kalo xleh bce..:)

Last2 die x layan..huhu..sedih2..trpakse la lari ke kawan..T.T

Bestnye ade adek xP

Bestnye ade adek!! Bila tgh kebosanan, ada je org yg nak buat kte senyum. Sometimes, bestnye pon sbb leh menyakat ble dh xdek keje laen. Jom bace conversation den dgn adek den yg umonye 10 thun lebih mude dr diri ni. ;) Kalo teringin nk bace yg slanjutnye, sile klik sini. ^-^ Klik gamba ye kalo nk besa :)

Saturday, 20 February 2010

How far would you go for your baby?

When I was a baby - I was a total pain! And you can see the proof from my dad's scars on his back. :) I didn't mean to but it happened. We used to live in a two-storey house, meaning we had stairs.

People use stairs to get up and down the house. Me? I saw it as way of 'sliding' downstairs. So, what happened? My dad saw me running to the stairs, and because I was too fast, he had to grab hold of me and 'slide' on his back. Of course, since I was still young and unable to think what's right and what's wrong. What's fun and what's dangerous. So, I can't really say I'm a pain. I can be, unintentionally that is. :)

Alhamdulillah. If it weren't for my dad, I might not be able to see this day and write this entry. So, before I go. I'd like to say

Thank you Ayah!
I love you!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Aku tak suro pon ko brubah, aku cme kac nasihat je

Sesetengah org kate, selagi engkau tak cerminkan diri sendiri, tak payahla nak mengade-ngade pi nasihatkan org. Sesetengah org lagi kate, nanti OK la bile dah sampai wahyu/ seru. Well, dah korg puas berkate-kate, izinkan aku pulak bersuara ye.

Memang betul ape korg ckp, aku stuju dgn konsep sebelum nasihatkan org, cerminkan diri dulu - cukup cantik? cukup lawa? Bagus. Baru leh nasihatkan org. Tapi, kalo org yg menasihatkan tu mmg btul, ape salahnye mengikut nasihat die? Bukannya menambahkan dosa. Bahkan, lagi menambahkan pahala ade la.

Kalau nak menunggu wahyu baru nak berubah, sampai akhir zaman ko takkan brubah. Kenapa kau tanya? Well, of course! Wahyu utk para nabi je. Bukan utk kte, manusia2 yg penuh dosa ni. Rasanya, ko confuse wahyu dgn hidayah tidak?

Kalau nak tunggu hidayah pulak, tak semestinya engkau akan dapat mcm tu je. Sometimes, kalo xdek usaha, mmg xkan berjaya. Anda fhm?

Lagi satu, bab seru. Cek, cek nk tunggu seruan apa cek? Seruan Izrail wktu cek tgh nazak ka cek? Atau cek nk menunggu 'seruan' sangkakala Israfil waktu kiamat nanti ke? 'Nanti' waktu pintu taubat dh ditutup? Lebih baek bertaubat skarang drpd menyesal kat dlm neraka nnt dak? Papepon, pandai2 la jage diri.. Dunia ni skali je, pastu nnt dunia kubur lg, nnt sampai kiamt baru leh msuk diantare syurga dan neraka. Sanggup ke merana sepanjang tu hanya utk 'keseronokan' yg sementare kat dunia yg paling sekejap ni?

Konklusinya, dengar apa yg org ckp, bukan ape yg org buat :) *credits to Zaedah :D

*Note: Memandangkan ni entry pertama kte dlm bahasa melayu, sila maafkan salah silap ye. Tme kaceh ^-^

Monday, 15 February 2010

I love my mum and dad! ^-^

Mama & Ayah

I love my mum and dad,
Even when I'm sad.
I've never felt a greater love than that,
Either from a friend or a lad,
They can never beat the love I've had,
for my mum and dad.

Thank you mum, thank you dad,
For getting married and having me legitimately,
Instead of throwing me away in the bin,
like I'm some sort of trash.

I love you mum and dad,
I hope you know this before I'm gone,
and find it in your heart to forgive me,
for all my sins and all my screams,
how sorry I am for all that I've done,
and how I wish I never crossed the line.

I love you mum and dad,
and I'm sorry for all the things I lack.
Thank you mum and dad,
for saying yes to my every need,
and saying no to most of my greeds.

I guess what I'm trying to say is,
I love you mum and dad,
forgive me for my sins,
and thank you for looking after me,
your deeds, truly only Allah can pay you back.

I Love U!

A song especially for my mum and dad ^-^

Sunday, 14 February 2010

What is Islam? (poem)

Poem written by : Maymoonah MS Adly

"What is Islam?” is the question you ask.
Answering this question is every Muslims task.

Describing Islam can be a lot,
But first I’ll tell you what Islam is not.

Islam is not Faraqan and terrorism.
Nor is it oppressing women and racism.

Islam doesn’t teach these things.
On the contrary it forbids them.

Islam isn’t focused on selling news papers and bean pies.
It’s not about drinking goats milk and having many wives.

Most people think Islam is just a religion.
But, it is actually a detailed way of living, prescribed by Allah, the merciful, the forgiving.

Peace, submission, and morality,Respect, kindness and charity.
And worshipping one God, the All Mighty, This is Islam.

It demolishes the cloudiness and confusion in our brains.
Faith in God is one thing Islam sustains.

It makes clear our purpose of life, beginning and end.
People take our wealth and freedom, but our faith we must defend.

Bhahmz is a girl! T.T

Before this, there was a guy who added me on my YM because he thought I was a guy. Don't get it wrong now, he's not gay, ok? The reason he added me? God knows. 
Now, I've always thought Bhahmz is not a boyish name and not a girlish either. As it turned out, some people actually thought Bhahmz was a boy. This, was a real shock to me but yeah, I can't help it when people don't know what the word stands for. So, let me just explain the name and get your fact right about this Bhahmz girl, yea?. ;)

Bhahmz = Nabihah Md Zaid

Bhah = Nabihah (short form of Nabihah is Bihah)

M = Md

Z = Zaid

I don't know how you pronounce it, but I pronounce Bhahmz as B-Hah-M-Z (Z as in zee). So, please don't get my nickname confused with a guy's name ;)

How 'love' can be horrible

She used to be so happy,
Always smiling and always jolly.
But now she's changed,
Over a cute guy she claimed.

Ever since Nick came,
Her life is filled with shame,
that she herself refuse to accept.
Everynight, alcohols and sex,
Her dignity, where has it set?

Drugs and abuses,
she makes up excuses,
saying Nick is fine,
and will always shine,
sleeping with the guy is enough to make her smile,
and cover up the lies.

How pitiful, how sad,
this girl's life is going mad,
her parents she left,
for a guy who's aim is his lust,
not the 'love' he claims,
nor is marriage is in his mind

How pitiful, how sad,
Come on girl, wake up before it's too late,
the guy is a monster,
leave him be,
and go to your parents,
make them happy, which I'm sure they'll be,

I guess it's too late,
now that she dumped her baby in the bin,
following him was the worst mistake,
and now, another life is lost,
due to that horrible lust he has.

Come on girl,
please wake up,
before you decide to dump another child,
leave him be, and be free!

Jealousy or Stupidity?

Hi, let me just talk you through a little glimpse of my history and my brother's and sister's history. In 2000, me and my family went to England as my dad was furthering his studies there. Because me and my siblings were at a young age - me 8, my sister 11 and my brother 12, the accent of Loughborough started to rub on us. So, the result of it was that whenever we talk English, we had this english accent. Sadly, some people could not find it in their heart to be happy with it when we get back to our beloved home country, Malaysia. I was quite fortunate as my parents sent me to an all girls school. At first there were some people teasing me, but it faded as time pass. But, in my brother and my sister's case. It just never ended. Getting teased from students is fine - we can say it's just immaturity. But, getting teased from a teacher is just AWFUL. Aren't teachers the ones who are supposed to be the one picking us up and supporting us everytime trouble arises? How can it be the one person that my brother and sister can hope on in class were the one that made them a laughing stock? Is it either jealousy or stupidity? Please tell me, cause I would really like to know where it all went wrong. Or, could it be low mentality?

People! When you send little kids to a foreign school, you can always expect the accent to rub on them. We are NOT trying to show off! The accent just happens. For God's sake, we're thankful for having an advantage but that doesn't mean we forget the place where we were born. Everyone has their own speciality, and everyone has their own advantage. Can you not accept us for that unique advantage we were fortunate to have? Why is it, when you see someone a little bit different or a little bit better, you just have to bring them down? Can you not just take them on fair and square? And now, my brother and sister has lost their accent, in order to 'fit in' the school before. Something which I find really SAD.

Ooo, you're probably wondering why I've written this whole post in English? Well, I'm back in England now, just under three years. So, to help my other friends who cannot understand bahasa, I figured I should write in English. If you wanna hate me, don't hate me for who I am, hate me for the effort I put in.

Thank you,

Half term is here - finally!!

WooOooo!! 1 week off school after all the 'hard' work I've put in. Now, I can get some rest and some time which I can use to revise more on my school work rather than always falling behind all the time..T.T
The best part? Well, I can start writing more articles for Ezinearticles now, not that much - at least 200 is my aim! (gasps) When there's a will, there's a way! =D And I am gonna find that way no matter what! :)
All for a contest and for the prizes where you cannot find anywhere else. I had my first snowman mug and now I'm aiming for a lot more. ^-^ Hopefully, I won't lose concentration in what's most important - my studies!! xD

Saturday, 13 February 2010

The media and its effects

Music, movies and all the things that can make a simple nobody to a somebody. But, are these nobodies really making themselves a somebody, or are they just showing themselves as some desperate human beings who are begging for attention that they'd do anything to get it?

Look at the well-known artists nowadays. Do they sell their music through their songs and voice? Or are they selling their music through the video clips? Most songs today, I just keep on wondering. Do they have any REAL meaning? Now, I am NOT saying all songs of today's world is crap or meaningless. It's just that, from my view, most songs today are sex orientated and the video clips are just focused on young women stripping their clothes off and act like some sort of a sex slave. It could be because I'm in the western side of the world. But the fact of the matter remains, we are getting more and more bad influence from these kinds of people! If you want to sell your songs, you don't need to include pornography or anything of that sort. Just sing and show your audience the real you. Not some garbage done only to attract perverts.

Do you have a kid? Tell me now, would you like your kids to be exposed to such indecency from a young age? Be realistic, if kids are exposed to the 'adult' world before the appropriate age, this world is going to be a hell lot worse than it is now. Teenage pregnancy will be on the rise. Child abuse. Domestic violence and we will most likely see a rise in peadhophiles. The reason I say paedohiles? When society are getting more 'open' on sex, more people especially youngsters are going to want to 'try' sex until at last, they just can't find a limit to it. When this happens, it would mean that sex are easy to get. And, when these certain people get tired of 'adult' sex. They will most likely hunt down on other types of people, maybe people of their own gender and what would be worse, if these certain people hunt down on young children to fill their curiousity and burning lusts. Would you want to send your children to school feeling scared that they might get raped or something like that? Surely not!

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying all songs are bad. Some are quite inspiring and meaningful. It's just that some artists use sexy women to attract more audience to their albums. A pretty lame way of getting people if you ask me. But, that's the truth I suppose. To them, it's all about the free and 'fun' life, without thinking of the influence they bring into today's world and how it will affect the future.

Friday, 12 February 2010

How ungrateful we are

It's approx 1:19 in the morning while I'm writing this. I was about to go to sleep, until I came across this blog. For those who doesn't understand the language used in the blog. Let me just summarise the entry. It involved a newspaper article talking about how a 30 year old son left his 57 year old dad opposite a school. This unknown son left his dad with a bag of clothes. Truthfully, when I read the article, tears just came down running down my cheek. I couldn't help it - it was just uncontrollable. How can there be anyone who is as heartless as to leave their own father by the side of the road? Fortunately for the 57 year old man, he met an old friend, who offered to spend some nights at his place. May Allah bless you, old man's friend. And for the son, I won't wish you bad stuff, but I hope you realise your mistake.

How could you ever leave your dad over your wife? For God's sake, your wife is just a wife! No matter how you see it, your dad has been the one raising you up since you were born, so, who are you to treat them as if they're a burden to you, when you've 'burdened' your parents since 9 months before you were given birth to? Ungrateful child, no matter how rich you are now. It might not have been possible if it weren't for your dad's effort to raise you well and healthy, with the education you needed - sending you to school and sacrificing his time and energy just for you. And if you are a Muslim, which I'm pretty sure you are. You better repent mate, cause in the end, you should prioritise your parent first than your wife.

Me and my lovely dad. I love you ayah ^-^

Before this, it was child abuse and rapes and all that sort. And now, throwing away your own dad? Man, that is just SAD. Is it me or has society gone mad?

Valentine's day = No panties day?

Woah! Malaysia, Malaysia, Malaysia. It's been just under three years I've been in England and now all I hear is this "No-panties campaign" that's been going on in Malaysia? From what I've read from fellow bloggers, this 'No Panties' campaign is to encourage girls not to wear panties on valentine's day, to show their love to their partners. How STUPID can you get?! How on earth does not wearing panties prove anything? Oh right, maybe I'm forgetting one simple fact - it proofs you're a FOOL if you follow this stupid campaign! And I'm sure glad I ain't one of them.

I don't know, maybe the fact that it will make you look like a complete slut! And don't worry darling, not just to the public - but to your 'beloved' boyfriend as well! I'm sorry to sound rude but it's the truth. Oh, how the truth hurts. Think about it, if he loves you, does he really need you to 'prove' your love to him? Why do you need to prove your love to him when he hasn't even proven his love to you? And don't give me that lame "Oh, he's proven his love by giving me flowers and taking me out on a romantic dinner". That ain't a proof, that's just his way of making you fall for his cunning tricks. One simple proof of a man's love is marriage. If he truly loves you, as in, he loves you from the bottom of his heart, he doesn't have to take you out. All he would want to do is ask you to be his wife and share his entire life with you.
After you guys get married, can do whatever you want with him. (As long as you don't cross the line that is)

May I remind my fellow Muslim sisters that Valentine's day is haram? Why you ask? Basically because it is a form of Syirk (Syirik). Don't believe me? Click here. Can we think about this campaign for a moment and think who and what started it? Hurmm..Let's see, people has been trying to attack Islam since the years of the Prophet (PBUH). Don't you think this could be one of our enemy's strategy to bring down Islam. They'll start with these kinds of stuff, make us all obsessed with 'love' that we forget the main purpose of life. And when they see us off guard, BANG! That's when they'll make their move. So, I beg you my fellow brothers and sisters. Do not fall prey into their tricks and let's start learning and improving ourselves for the future - both the hereafter and our future on the face of the Earth.

Everyone has their ego and just wants to follow what their 'heart' tells them to do, without realising that it's actually the shaytan's whispers. Well, if you have read this entry, and you still want to follow these stupid Valentine traditions and the stupid 'No Panties' campaign. I pray you well cause I don't know how a person can be so bravely stupid enough as to get themselves closer to hell.
Not no to panties, say no to the campaign and Valentine's day!


When studies gets out of control

Ever had one of those days when you think your head's about to explode, only because you missed a class? Well, if you miss a lesson again, be sure to read this simple article to help you through your 'struggle'.

Take some time alone

It always is a good idea to get in your room and get yourself away from household problems when you are already stressed with school. Otherwise, you may find the situation getting over the top for you. Ask your parents to be excused to your room, and if they ask why, tell them you're having problems at school and wish to solve the problem out, preferably by yourself. When you achieve some time alone, admit to yourself that you've made a mistake and think of a way through.

Be Optimistic

Pessimists never succeed because they always have a kind of barrier between themselves and success itself, which is their own thought. They keep on thinking they'll never succeed. In other words, they always expect for the worst in everything they do, to them success is just not meant for them. Do yourself a favor and don't allow yourself to be one of those people. Think positive and think forward. When you do this, you can tell yourself to work hard until you get the job done, instead of just giving up every time you think you won't make it. Plus, it adds more effort to your work, something you ought to be proud of.

This post is originally from my site. To save some tiny weeny bit of space in this blog, I've saved the best bit of this entry on the site. Please click here to read more of this article.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

The reason I cry at 2 in the morning

Society now has changed - dramatically! People are going mad - every single day, there will always be cases of rapes, pedhophiles and worse yet, the disposals of little babies. By disposal, I don't mean abortion which unfotunately happens by accident. But, the action in which after the baby is born, he/she gets thrown away. I know, reading is bad enough - try witnessing it!

I was browsing through when I found this post: Adakah ibu dan bapa bayi ini manusia? Truly I was disturbed. The thoughts that went through my mind was constantly "How did this baby die?", "I hope her death was not painful" and only Allah knows how hard it is for me to just sit in front of a computer and not being able to help the helpless victims of today's mad society.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying the whole society is bad, but I believe we need to do something to end this mad 'trend'. One step could be to tighten the media in the country. Pornography needs to be totally out of our country!

Another one could be that the parents need to be more strict! If your son or daughter is having an illegitimate child with someone, don't let them throw the baby away! It's not the baby's fault for crying out loud! The shame in this world is not as bad as the torture in the hereafter. So, do not allow your son/ daughter to throw away a baby only because you're afraid people may talk about you and your family. In the end, they're not the one deciding whether you go to heaven or hell. That's all up to your deeds, so don't add more sins! Fine, your children's crossed the line - but don't make it worse by getting rid of the innocent baby. The baby's done nothing wrong! Just make sure your children's repent and will not do it ever again. Better yet, get them married and make them take the responsibility full on as a parent to the child.

Another way in which parents should be strict, don't give your child everyting he/she wants! They need to learn how to earn it as well! If you keep on giving them what they want, how are they supposed to learn the hard truth of life? Any parent would want the best for their children, but that doesn't mean they need to give in every single time the child cries. Otherwise, they'll just walk over you and treat you like a slave - so stop being so soft! In this world, you can't be too soft and you can't be too harsh! There is always a limit to something - make sure you know these limits and teach your children while you're at it!

Be jealous! That's what my mum said her mum told her. When you're raising a child, you need to be jealous. Not jealous as in envy, but 'be jealous' as in showing concern about what he/ she does because your child is still learning between what's right and what's wrong! They need your help to know the difference, not their friends!

Let's stop this madness.
How would you feel if you were thrown away?

How to be a good friend

A good friend, who wouldn't want one? Ever felt like you're just not good enough but don't know where to improve? Well, you've come to the right place. I used to annoy a lot of my friends before, just for the sake of having fun and from that, I've learned how to be a good friend, and stay as a good friend.


No one likes being interrupted when they're talking, so, when someone talks, keep yourself quiet and listen to them, especially if they're feeling down, you need to be the shoulder for them to cry on. If you have any comment to make, be sure that you word it in a way where you don't sound too negative, otherwise, they may just take it as you trying to put them down. When you just don't share the same interest or you're not in the mood to listen to them, politely let them know and ask them to understand.

Always smile.

Everyone has their bad days, it's unavoidable. The least you can do is, whenever you see your friends, smile and say hello. That way, if they had a bad day, you can make them feel better with your smile along with your ear, and maybe, you can share something funny to cheer them up.

To read more, please click here

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Facebook oh Facebook :S

I know it's not like me to write in Bahasa due to my special 'circumstances', but yeah..who cares? This is what you get when you copy and paste something off your email..hehe.. ^-^

Facebook, Yahudi & Status Hukum

Posted by: "zarith fawiza" zfawiza@yahoo. com zfawiza

Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:23 am (PST)

Salam..baca dan kalau sesuai bagus share kan ngan adik2 dan especially peringatan utk kita..
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Facebook, Yahudi & Status Hukum
Monday, January 4, 2010 at 1:03pm


Ustaz, SYUBHAHKAH menyertai FACEBOOK? ana ada terbaca artikel yang mana
pemiliknya, Mark Zucherberg menyumbangkan dana melalui penggunaan
facebook ini dari seluruh dunia kepada bangsanya, Yahudi. Mohon
penjelasan ustaz?


Soalan ini terlalu kerap dilontar kepada saya dan begitu banyak pula ditulis oleh pelbagai individu di forum dan blog.

Sebelum ini saya sendiri tidak menggunakan facebook walaupun saya telah
membuat beberapa kajian serba ringkas dan membaca semua terma
perjanjian yang terkandung di web facebook.

Namun ramai individu meminta dan mencadangkan saya membuka akaun
facebook untuk menyebarluaskan lagi dakwah dan ilmu yang terkandung di
dalam website saya. Biasanya, permintaan itu saya abaikan, sehinggalah
rakan webmaster sendiri mencadangkan kepada saya, lalu
saya tolak atas alasan kesibukan.

Beliau kemudian mencadangkan dibuka fanpage facebook dan bukannya
facebook profile individu bagi mengelak kesibukan yang dibimbangkan
tadi. Beliau juga bersetuju membantu proses pembukaan itu dan

Atas tanggungjawab dakwah dan web saya yang kerap ditimpa masalah
server akhir-akhir ini, saya izinkan beliau memulakan fanpage facebook
untuk pengunjung Boleh melawatnya di sini.

Maka sejak dari 28 Dis 2009, saya mula menjenguk facebook dan membuat pengisian serba ringkas. on Facebook

Kembali kepada soalan, dalam menentukan keputusan dan hukum penyertaan
facebook, menurut pendapat saya, terdapat beberapa isu yang perlu
diperhati dan telah saya perhati sebelum memberi izin kepda rakan
webmaster saya. Ia adalah seperti berikut :-

1) Bolehkah menggunakan produk ciptaan Yahudi?

Kesimpulan bagi soalan ini telah saya ulas panjang lebar dalam artikel
terdahulu. Baca di sini . Kesimpulannya, adalah dibenarkan untuk umat
Islam membeli, menjual, menggunapakai produk ciptaan bukan Islam
termasuk Yahudi, selagi mana ia dalam ruang lingkup yang halal.

Nabi Muhammad SAW juga diriwayatkan dalam hadis yang sohih telah
berurusan dan membuat transaksi jual beli dan cagaran dengan seorang
yahudi, iaitu :-

Ø£َÙ†َّ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم اشْتَرَÙ‰ Ø·َعَامًا من ÙŠَÙ‡ُودِÙŠٍّ إلى Ø£َجَÙ„ٍ ÙˆَرَÙ‡َÙ†َÙ‡ُ دِرْعًا من Ø­َدِيدٍ

Ertinya : "Sesungguhnya Nabi SAW membeli makanan dari seorang Yahudi
dengan pembayaran secara bertangguh, dan mencagarkan baju besi baginda
SAW" ( Riwayat al-Bukhari, no 2326, 2/841)

2) Apa maksud saudara penyoal dengan ayat ‘menyumbang kepada bangsa Yahudi'?

Jual beli Muslim dengan seorang Yahudi hingga memberikan keuntungan
kewangan kepada dirinya tidak bermasalah sama sekali di sisi Islam,
malah Rasulullah s.a.w dan para sahabat banyak yang berjual beli dengan
Yahudi di Madinah.

Cuma persoalannya di sini, adalah menyumbang kepada keganasan Yahudi
Zionis. Namun adakah dakwaan itu boleh dibuat dan dipercayai semudah
itu, tanpa sebarang bukti jelas dan hanya bersandarkan kepada latar
belakang peribadi si pengasas?

3) Adakah penyaluran dana kepada individu Yahudi atau khas ditujukan kepada proses penjajahan tanah Palestin?

Begini, jika ternyata dari sumber yang sohih, jelas lagi pasti, sesuatu
transaksi jual beli kita memberikan keuntungan kepada organisasi Yahudi
yang mana digunakan hasil pendapatannya digunakan untuk proses
penjajahan haram, keganasan dan serangan ke atas umat Islam, tatkala
itu barulah hukum HARUS berubah menjadi HARAM menurut sepakat ulama.

Dalam konteks facebook, ia masih kekal tidak jelas kerana hampir semua
penulisan yang membantah facebook, tidak menyertakan bukti jelas
berkenaan hal ini. Semuanya membuat andaian itu dan ini, sedangkan
andaian semata-mata tidak boleh mengubah hukum asal keharusan kepada
haram. Ia sekadar boleh mengajak kita untuk berhati-hati dan peka

Malah majoriti pengguna facebook tidak melakukan sebarang transaksi
kewangan dengan syarikat tersebut. Kecuali yang menyertai skim-skim
yang ditawarkan (ini memerlukan perbincangan berasingan)

Jika ada pula yang mengarahkan saya membuat kajian dan mencari
bukti-bukti itu sebelum memberi pandangan berkenaan status hukum.
Justeru boleh saya katakan, kajian telah dibuat dan kami gagal
MENDAPATI sebarang bukti untuk menyokong andaian-andaian pihak yang
membuat andaian.

Jika dikatakan

"bukti bertulis tentulah dirahsiakan oleh pihak syarikat facebook dan mereka memberikan sumbangan secara senyap-senyap"

Maka jika demikian, Islam tidak memberatkan kita untuk membuat andaian
dalam hal seumpama ini. Jika andaian sedemikian masih ingin digunakan,
kelak mengakibatkan kesukaran berat (mashaqqah) buat seluruh umat Islam
pada banyak perkara dan aktviti lain, kerana larangan dan andaian juga
akan terpakai buat semua penjual bukan Islam beragama Hindu, Kristian,
Buddha dan lainnya. Penjual-penjual tersebut juga boleh diandaikan
menyumbang kepada gerakan melawan Islam secara senyap. Akhirnya, kita
terperangkap dengan kekerasan fatwa kita sendiri, hingga bermusuh
dengan semua tanpa bukti yang jelas.

Oleh kerana itu, selagi tidak disertakan dan tidak mampu dihadirkan
bukti bertulis, selagi itulah hukum adalah HARUS untuk berjual beli
dengan penjual atau syarikat milik Yahudi. Jika berjual beli pun
dibenarkan, apatah lagi sekadar membuka akaun facebook.

Cuma mungkin keharusan berurusan dengan barangan Yahudi, boleh menjadi
makruh atau syuhbat diketika wujudnya peperangan dan serangan ke atas
umat Islam. Ini memerlukan penelitian ‘case by case'.

Pun begitu, pengguna facebook sukar untuk dibebankan dengan masalah ini
keran amereka TIDAK BERJUAL BELI denga facebook, mereka hanya
menggunakannya secara percuma. Jika dikatakan, penggunanya menyebabkan
trafik facebook menjadi tinggi dan iklan mencurah masuk lalu memberi
keuntungan kepada pemilik facebook. Ia juga sukar kerana kesesakan
trafik bukanlah bersifat ‘direct' membantu facebook, tambahan pula
sebagaimana di katakan tadi, tidak jelasnya sumbangan kepada keganasan

4) Privacy pengguna facebook dijajah?

Ini mungkin ada benarnya, setelah saya menghabiskan bacaan privacy
policy yang terkandung di dalam web facebook, ia memberikan gambaran
bahawa gambar, info dan segala yang terkandung di dalam facebook kita
boleh tetap wujud di facebook orang lain yang dikongsi, dan saya yakin
pihak facebook juga mempunyai simpanan data terbabit.

Policy menyebutkan :

"Even after you remove information from your profile or delete your
account, copies of that information may remain viewable elsewhere to
the extent it has been shared with others, it was otherwise distributed
pursuant to your privacy settings, or it was copied or stored by other

Terma ini adakalanya boleh membawa sedikit mudarat jika tidak ditangani
dengan bijak oleh pengguna. Namun demikian, terma ini sahaja tidak
mampu menjadi keseluruhan facebook sebagai haram.

Selain itu, juga disebutkan :

To respond to legal requests and prevent harm. We may disclose
information pursuant to subpoenas, court orders, or other requests
(including criminal and civil matters) if we have a good faith belief
that the response is required by law. This may include respecting
requests from jurisdictions outside of the United States where we have
a good faith belief that the response is required by law under the
local laws in that jurisdiction, apply to users from that jurisdiction,
and are consistent with generally accepted international standards. We
may also share information when we have a good faith belief it is
necessary to prevent fraud or other illegal activity, to prevent
imminent bodily harm, or to protect ourselves and you from people
violating our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. This may
include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, courts or
other government entities."

Berdasarkan kepada terma di atas. Sebenarnya pihak facebook mempunyai
hak untuk mendedahkan informasi kita kepada mana-mana berdasarkan
alasan yang disebut di atas. Tiada takrif jelas bagi yang disebut di
atas, semua masih tetap terpulang kepada keputusan pihak facebook. Maka
menyerahkan info dan gambar kita kepada syarikat tertentu, CIA, FBI
atau apa jua badan kerajaan adalah hak facebook jua.

Walaupun begitu, ia sekali lagi tidak cukup kuat untuk sampai
menjadikan pengunaan facebook sebagai haram, apa yang perlu adalah
kawalan dan had limit.


Saya tidak berhasrat untuk menyenaraikan satu persatu baik dan buruk
penggunaan Facebook, cuma apa yang ingin saya nyatakan sebagai
kesimpulan adalah seperti berikut :-

· Hukum membuka akaun dan menggunakan facebook adalah HARUS selagi
tidak terbukti ia menggunakan pengaruh dan keuntungannya untuk
menyerang Islam atas nama facebook samada melalui dana kepada Yahudi,
Amerika dan lainnya.

· Bagi mereka yang masih tidak selesa dengan latarbelakang pengasas dan
syarikat facebook, mereka dinasihatkan untuk TIDAK MEMBUKA DAN
MENYERTAI FACEBOOK. Mereka boleh terus memberi nasihat kepada pengguna
facebook agar sentiasa berhati-hati, namun tidak boleh dengan
sewenangnya menuduh pengguna facebook melakukan perkara haram secara

· Bagi mereka yang ingin mengambil sikap lebih berhati-hati mereka disarankan untuk :-

a- Memanupulasi akaun facebook untuk manfaat Islam melebihi kepentingan
peribadi. Justeru, ruang yang ada wajar digunakan untuk mempromosi
kefahaman Islam melalui tulisan, video, audio dan sebagainya.

b- Limitasikan dan kurangkan perbincangan soal remeh temeh peribadi yang membuang masa diri dan orang lain.

c- Tidak sehingga berkongsi terlalu banyak gambar peribadi ( khsusunya
bagi wanita) sejak zaman kanak-kanak tanpa had limitasi, tanpa kawalan
ia bakal membawa mudarat berbanding manfaat. Di samping ia akan kekal
di facebook orang yang dikongsi dan juga syarikat facebook.

d- Tidak memasukkan perincian peribadi yang sensitif khususnya seperti
akaun bank, taraf kesihatan dan sebagainya. Cukuplah sekadar
menyertakan nama, tarikh lahir dan pendidikan.

e- Tidak terlibat dengan permainan-permainan dan aplikasi yang dijangka
bercanggah dengan Islam seperti kuiz ramalan nasib. Sama ada atas dasar
‘main-main' atau tidak.

f- Tidak mempercayai aplikasi tilik moden seperti rahsia tarikh
kelahiran dan sepertinya yang terkandung dalam aplikasi percuma
facebook. Sama ada atas dasar ‘main-main' atau tidak.

g- Menyedari bahawa maklumat kita di facebook boleh menjadi database
pihak asing untuk memantau kehidupan dan informasi peribadi kita jika
tidak dikawal. Database sebegini sebenarnya amat bernilai dan sukar ada
satu organisasi di dunia ini yang mampu menyimpan maklumat manusia
sebagaimana facebook. Hatta parti politik masing-masing pun tidak
mempunyai maklumat ahlinya yang sebegitu update sebagaimana facebook.
Justeru, maklumat sebegini amat banyak gunanya untuk sebarang tujuan
kejahatan dan ketamakan.

Jika itu semua dapat dijaga dan disedari, saya kira mengguna dan
membuka akaun facebook adalah kekal dalam hukum HARUS atau DIBENARKAN,
malah jika ia lebih banyak digunakan untuk kemaslahatan Islam, ia
DIGALAKKAN. Malah jikalau terdapat unsur syubhat sekalipun, ia telah
diatasi oleh manfaat yang disebarkan melalui facebook itu.


Zaharuddin Abd Rahman

www.zaharuddin. net

19 Muharram 1431 h

05 Januari 2010

Businesswoman - that's me!

Business, business,
I want to make my own business,
Business, business,
How hard can it be?
The risk and the fee,
is merely the sweetness of challenge and anxiety,
Business, business,
Really I want to be,
a businesswoman - that's me!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Coupling - worth the drama?

Hey hey, how's it going? Now, the title - straightforward enough for you? Well, I'm pretty sure the title speaks for itself, and before you tell me "Oh, Nabihah, stop being so shallow. We're in the 21st century, be open minded!" Errkk..News flash! I am being open minded - which is why I say NO to coupling!

What? You think being in the 21st century makes us better than the people that comes before us? Don't make me laugh! People nowadays are like animals hunting for prey - this goes primarily to the people who would do anything just to fulfill their burning lusts.

Why do I say NO to coupling?

We, especially youngsters like to try and experience new things - who wouldn't? With all the peer pressure, always wanting to be like that person whom everyone 'loves', coupling seems to be the only way for us to say "Yeah, I'm cool!" One question - are you sure? Or are you just being a fool? What is the point of 'loving' someone when you can't even love yourself? I have a friend who just cannot 'live' without having a boyfriend, pretty sad but hey, that's reality. Why I asked her, and she said she doesn't want to be lonely. Earth to you - you are not going to be alone! No matter who you are, of course you will have some friends in your life, and not forgetting your family! Sure, it's nice to feel 'loved' by a significant other. But, how can we be sure of this 'love' they offer? For all you know, they may say they'll love you for the rest of their lives when the truth is, they just want to get in bed with you and just leave you sober. Now, where's the fun in that? Imagine - you give yourself in for a guy who you think is 'the one' and find yourself pregnant three months later, and about to have a baby with no father six months after? How is that going to make you look cool? If you ask me - that'll just make you look like a slut!

When I was in Malaysia, my friend argued, if you never coupled with anyone, how can you have the experience? My question : Why would you need experience for something that will only make it worse for you? Yes, we learn from our mistakes, but unfortunately, we cannot erase our mistakes. Look at the world now, when girls are ashamed of having an illegitimate child, what do they do to the baby? They just throw away the baby as if the baby has no life or value. Now, what is the point of coupling if it's only going to lead to immorality and inhumanity? If there were no coupling, and marriage was a must before you can take your 'partner' out, there would not be a single problem of child mistreatment.

Another problem with coupling -because it has been so easy for people to 'try' others, more and more people are becoming homosexuals. Why? Why not? They've already 'tasted' the opposite gender, why not 'try' stuff on people of the same gender. And what's even worse, now that sex is so easy to get, some people do have the insane mind as to sodomise little kids. If you don't believe me, read the newspapers - there are more and more paedophiles in this world.

My bet is you'll probs say "Maaan, chill out..We only live life once..Let's just enjoy it while it last" Wrong! Don't ever forget this key important fact - there is another life after this life, which will be determined by how we live our life here on the face of the Earth. Yes we can enjoy life, but everything has a limit. If there were no rules in this life, people would just take things for granted, and this World would have been destroyed like thousands of years ago.

Well, to end this entry. I know I'm just a normal, ordinary girl like all the girls in this world - filled with imperfections and you might say I have no right to tell you what to do, and you're probably right to. This post was only an advise for the people who's desperate for reminders. If you still choose to go along with coupling, please don't let it end like this :

*Please pardon the manner in which I have written this post.

Salam ^-^

*Addition: Harapan seekor seperma a post i find really interesting and funny, and a lesson for us all.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Muslims, it's time we rise up - peacefully

Lately, I've seen a lot of Facebook groups saying they hate Israel for their mistreatment towards Gaza. And personally, I just wonder, does this really help our fellow brothers and sisters in Palestine? By all these kinds of groups, growing hatred in our hearts, are we really helping those innocent people in Palestine? The answer is NO! In fact, we're just giving Islam a bad image. I mean, think about it - if we kept on making groups like "I hate Israel", what would that say about Islam? It will only give the image of a religion that is filled with hatred, which is the absolute opposite of what Islam really is about. You want to help Palestine? Help yourself first. Have you prayed 5 times a day? Do you do any charity? Do you watch your mouth while you're talking? Do you control your patience every single time something bad happens or when you get mistreated?

Before we do anything irrational, we need to think how others will see us. As long as you're a Muslim, people will see what you do as what your religion tells you to. Why? Because, we're the most people that actually sticks with their religion., and say no to atheism (the belief there is no God). So, let's show them what Islam is all about - Peace and the belief in one God.

I mean, let's be rational and look at how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would be. He's been thrown rocks by the musyhrikin, but never has he thrown a single rock back and no not a single rude, disrespectful word he let out. Instead, he remained patient and prayed Allah (SWT) to forgive them, and be given Nur Hidayah. Who are we to go against him, if we call ourselves his Ummah? Come on my fellow brothers and sisters, let's rise up and fight for Islam - peacefully ^-^

And now, I must leave you with an inspiring song for us Muslims :)


That thing we argued

Love - a beautiful thing when it's true, but a nightmare when it's fake. Before this, during the fasting month I went on Yahoo Messenger and a friend of the opposite gender started a conversation - more like an argument if I were honest. Well, we usually fight online and the only time we're in peace with each other is when we're quiet - pretty much when we're just ignoring each other. What started this whole fight? Truthfully, I don't really know cause I think me and him has always argued, even over the smallest little thing. I've not known him that long, but I can tell you know, he is not like any other guys I've known. I mean, I'm from an all girls school and seeing a guy to me was like "yeah whatever", and most guys that I've known were usually cool and calm - which is why I thought they deserved respect. But this particular boy was just a pain in the neck! He always diss people and treat them as if he was everything that mattered. So, to handle this problem, I tried talking to him. Unfortunately, I never did get my point through.

Our main downfall was the time when he was saying hi to me on yahoo messenger. It all started alright until we get to the subject of coupling. He debated it was fine as long as there's no physical contact. Me? I was sticking to my guns and said "It is NOT". No matter how you try to control your physical contact, it's even harder to control your mind. When you're with your bf/gf, there will always be a side of you that wants to share 'something' with him or her because you think they're 'yours'. To back my point up, I said we should look at the Prophet (PBUH), did he use to go out with girls before he got married? NO! And this so called friend of mine just said. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm in the 21st century". I mean seriously man, how rude can you get?! That simple sentence from him really did make me think, is he really serious about this thing? Why is he so obsessed with coupling? And then I asked him to go on a conference with me, with someone I knew from This someone was studying in Egypt so I figured he could help us with our ignorance. But then, that friend of mine refused and said he has to go. So, I was like "fair enough. If he doesn't want to listen, that's up to him cause really in the end, it's his life. I tried to tell him what's good and what's not. He doesn't want to listen - that's his problem."

After a while, I felt guilty for arguing with him and decided to say sorry to him on Facebook. What I didn't expect was his reply "Can you stop with all this religious shit?". Errkk..excuse me? If it weren't for this religion, I'd just ignore you and act as if I don't know you. I might as well just pay someone to kill you! Please, pardon drama as I was in complete disbelieve. What's even surprising was, you know how before that he said "coupling is alright as long as there's no physical contact? At school not long after this argument, I saw him putting his hand over a girl right after class.Now I ask you, what kind of a hypocrite is that?! And now, he's not on my Facebook and we just technically ignore each other at school and wherever we may see each other. I don't know if I should feel guilty or what, but I wish he could just stop pretending and show his true self, because his arrogance and lies are really getting on my nerve now. :S

Sunday, 7 February 2010

How an average Joe spends his time

A look at how an average man spends his time. Copied and pasted off: Fadzie's Cribs

The old man and his joyful 25 year old son

An old man was sitting with his 25 year old son in a train. As the train was leaving the station, the young man was filled with joy and curiosity. As he was sitting by the window, he waved his hand outside in the open air. He shouted, "Papa see all trees are going behind". The old man smiled and admired his son's feelings.
Beside the young man was a couple that were sitting and listening to the whole conversation between the father and the son. They felt a little awkward with the attitude of the young, good-looking man who was behaving like a small child. The handsome man then shouted, "Papa see the pond and animals. The clouds are moving with the train".

The c
ouple can see the young man was now embarrassed. It started raining and some of the water drops touched the man's hand. He was filled with joy and he closed his eyes. He shouted again," Papa it's raining, I can see the water droplets on my palm, see papa". The couple couldn't help themselves and asked the old man. Why don't you visit the Doctor and get a treatment for your son?” The old man said," We are from the hospital. Please excuse my son, he had just got his eyes for the first time in his life. He's been blind since he was born".

Moral: "Do not draw any conclusions before you know all the facts and reasons"


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